4 Steps to a More Productive Workspace

2 minutes read

Step 1: Keep an Inspirational Piece at Eye Level

Whether it's a poster, a cherished object, or a post-it bearing your go-to quote, having something visually stimulating can make all the difference. Personally, I'm captivated by the iPhone frame on my wall (see image below). Apple's software and hardware design has always resonated with me, inspiring me to create products that are both elegantly simple and exceptionally great.

Step 2: Have a Visible Analog Clock or Timer

A visible clock or timer provides constant feedback on the passing of time. This can make us more aware of how our time is ticking away every moment, encouraging us to use our time more efficiently.

Step 3: Eliminate the Unnecessary

From your mobile phone to those stray sticky notes, these little distractions scatter your focus. An uncluttered space doesn’t just appeal to the eyes but also ensures your mind remains on the task at hand.

Step 4: Keep Essentials at Arm’s Length

Whether it's a pen, necessary documents, or even a filled water bottle, having what you need close by ensures undisturbed momentum. Our minds sometimes seek the easiest exit from challenging tasks. By pre-empting our needs, we can close potential escape routes.

While I don't claim to be a productivity expert, I believe in sharing insights from my personal experience. Remember, the perfect workspace is a myth. As our roles and responsibilities evolve, so will our workspace needs. The goal? Make tomorrow smoother by being proactive today.

Weekly Bite-sized Lessons

Every week, I will share a personal success or an area for improvement so that you can learn from my experiences and avoid making the same mistakes as me.

Personal Success: Clarity from Journaling

Journaling has been my mental compass, guiding me to clearer thoughts. Whether it's in a traditional notebook or a page on Notion, jotting down feelings and thoughts, especially during overwhelming moments, has been transformative. Regularity isn’t essential, but having a designated space is.

Area for Improvement: The Self-Sabotage Syndrome

Sometimes, our own mindset can be our worst enemy. For me, a hint of success occasionally breeds self-sabotage, perhaps stemming from the unfamiliar territory of achievement or the fear of outpacing loved ones. My recent read, “The Mountain Is You” by Brianna Wiest, shed light on this internal conflict.

Awareness is the first step to change. Are you hindering your own success? Holding onto limiting beliefs? Take a moment, reflect honestly, and uncover your own truths.

Step 1: Keep an Inspirational Piece at Eye Level

Whether it's a poster, a cherished object, or a post-it bearing your go-to quote, having something visually stimulating can make all the difference. Personally, I'm captivated by the iPhone frame on my wall (see image below). Apple's software and hardware design has always resonated with me, inspiring me to create products that are both elegantly simple and exceptionally great.

Step 2: Have a Visible Analog Clock or Timer

A visible clock or timer provides constant feedback on the passing of time. This can make us more aware of how our time is ticking away every moment, encouraging us to use our time more efficiently.

Step 3: Eliminate the Unnecessary

From your mobile phone to those stray sticky notes, these little distractions scatter your focus. An uncluttered space doesn’t just appeal to the eyes but also ensures your mind remains on the task at hand.

Step 4: Keep Essentials at Arm’s Length

Whether it's a pen, necessary documents, or even a filled water bottle, having what you need close by ensures undisturbed momentum. Our minds sometimes seek the easiest exit from challenging tasks. By pre-empting our needs, we can close potential escape routes.

While I don't claim to be a productivity expert, I believe in sharing insights from my personal experience. Remember, the perfect workspace is a myth. As our roles and responsibilities evolve, so will our workspace needs. The goal? Make tomorrow smoother by being proactive today.

Weekly Bite-sized Lessons

Every week, I will share a personal success or an area for improvement so that you can learn from my experiences and avoid making the same mistakes as me.

Personal Success: Clarity from Journaling

Journaling has been my mental compass, guiding me to clearer thoughts. Whether it's in a traditional notebook or a page on Notion, jotting down feelings and thoughts, especially during overwhelming moments, has been transformative. Regularity isn’t essential, but having a designated space is.

Area for Improvement: The Self-Sabotage Syndrome

Sometimes, our own mindset can be our worst enemy. For me, a hint of success occasionally breeds self-sabotage, perhaps stemming from the unfamiliar territory of achievement or the fear of outpacing loved ones. My recent read, “The Mountain Is You” by Brianna Wiest, shed light on this internal conflict.

Awareness is the first step to change. Are you hindering your own success? Holding onto limiting beliefs? Take a moment, reflect honestly, and uncover your own truths.

Step 1: Keep an Inspirational Piece at Eye Level

Whether it's a poster, a cherished object, or a post-it bearing your go-to quote, having something visually stimulating can make all the difference. Personally, I'm captivated by the iPhone frame on my wall (see image below). Apple's software and hardware design has always resonated with me, inspiring me to create products that are both elegantly simple and exceptionally great.

Step 2: Have a Visible Analog Clock or Timer

A visible clock or timer provides constant feedback on the passing of time. This can make us more aware of how our time is ticking away every moment, encouraging us to use our time more efficiently.

Step 3: Eliminate the Unnecessary

From your mobile phone to those stray sticky notes, these little distractions scatter your focus. An uncluttered space doesn’t just appeal to the eyes but also ensures your mind remains on the task at hand.

Step 4: Keep Essentials at Arm’s Length

Whether it's a pen, necessary documents, or even a filled water bottle, having what you need close by ensures undisturbed momentum. Our minds sometimes seek the easiest exit from challenging tasks. By pre-empting our needs, we can close potential escape routes.

While I don't claim to be a productivity expert, I believe in sharing insights from my personal experience. Remember, the perfect workspace is a myth. As our roles and responsibilities evolve, so will our workspace needs. The goal? Make tomorrow smoother by being proactive today.

Weekly Bite-sized Lessons

Every week, I will share a personal success or an area for improvement so that you can learn from my experiences and avoid making the same mistakes as me.

Personal Success: Clarity from Journaling

Journaling has been my mental compass, guiding me to clearer thoughts. Whether it's in a traditional notebook or a page on Notion, jotting down feelings and thoughts, especially during overwhelming moments, has been transformative. Regularity isn’t essential, but having a designated space is.

Area for Improvement: The Self-Sabotage Syndrome

Sometimes, our own mindset can be our worst enemy. For me, a hint of success occasionally breeds self-sabotage, perhaps stemming from the unfamiliar territory of achievement or the fear of outpacing loved ones. My recent read, “The Mountain Is You” by Brianna Wiest, shed light on this internal conflict.

Awareness is the first step to change. Are you hindering your own success? Holding onto limiting beliefs? Take a moment, reflect honestly, and uncover your own truths.

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